Line 2, Column 51
Spaces: 2 Markdown
  NOTE: The syntax highlighting shown here might
  not match exactly what you see in your editor


  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <title>Jamie Wilson - Designer/Developer. Stylesheets Corpus, Predawn, Norwester, and more. Designer/Developer. Stylesheets Corpus, Predawn, Norwester, and more. Dog-lover and avid reader of the internet—it's pretty good so far.</title>
  <meta name="description" content="Designer/Developer. Stylesheets Corpus, Predawn, Norwester, and more. Dog-lover and avid reader of the internet—it's pretty good so far.">

  <meta name="keywords" content="jamie wilson, jamie wilson dallas, jamiewilson, jmwlsn, @jmwlsn,, jamie wilson switch, designer, design, developer, dev, dallas, stylesheets, corpus, predawn, norwester, weld, welderwire, meteor, dewey">
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  <header class="header column center-left color-white vh50 relative">
  <section class="container w100">
    <h1 class="header-intro">The Portfolio <span class="header-intro-italic">of</span> Jamie Wilson</h1>
    <h2 class="header-description" data-fitter-happier-text>Designer/Developer</h2>

  <section class="header-contact fs-base ptb1 w100 absolute bottom">
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      <ul class="row list-style-none">
        <li class="mr1 hide-on-small">Get in touch:</li>
        <li class="link-separator"><a href="">Twitter</a></li>
        <li class="link-separator"><a href="">GitHub</a></li>
        <li><a href="">Email</a></li>
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A dark interface and syntax theme for Sublime Text and Atom

Created by Jamie Wilson Top 100
  // ========================== IMPORTANT ========================== //
  // Use "predawn-DEV.sublime-theme" for Sublime Text versions 3062+ //
  // =============================================================== //

  // Activate Theme and Color Scheme
  "theme": "predawn.sublime-theme",
  "color_scheme": "Packages/Predawn/predawn.tmTheme",

  // Panel Options
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//  NOTE: The syntax highlighting shown here might
//  not match exactly what you see in your editor

.column {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  flex: 1 1 auto;
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//  Gutters

// Add .gutters to .row/.column elements
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// All direct descendants of .gutters get margin
.gutters > .column,
.gutters > .row {
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    width: 100% !important;
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// offset padding/margin to maintain width
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//  NOTE: The syntax highlighting shown here might
//  not match exactly what you see in your editor

  // current user created this post
  ownsPost: function() {
    return this.createdBy === Meteor.userId();
  // current user has upvoted this post
  upvoted: function() {
    var userId = Meteor.userId();
    if (_.include(this.upvoters, userId))
      return true;
  hash: function() {
    url =;
    secret = Meteor.settings.public.screenshotMachineSecret;
    var hash = CryptoJS.MD5(url + secret).toString();
    return hash;

  // initialize imagesLoaded on screenshot elements
  var screenshot = imagesLoaded(".screenshot");
  // remove loading animation as each image loads
  screenshot.on('progress', function(instance, image) {
    // TOOD: get loading item without prev()
    var item = $(image.img).prev();
  'click .js-upvote': function(e) {
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    // if user is logged in
    if (userId && (Meteor.user().emails[0].verified === true)) {
      // call upvote meteor method on click'upvote', this._id);
      // track event with Segment
    } else if (userId && Meteor.user().emails[0].verified === false) {
      // give user option to resend verify email
    } else {
      // open login modal instead
  'click .js-downvote': function(e) {
    // if user is logged in
    var userId = Meteor.userId();
    if (userId && (Meteor.user().emails[0].verified === true)) {
      // call upvote meteor method on click'downvote', this._id);
      // track event with Segment
    } else if (userId && Meteor.user().emails[0].verified === false) {
      // give user option to resend verify email
    } else {
      // open login modal instead
  'click .js-edit': function(e) {
    var currentPostId = this._id;
    var userId = Meteor.userId();
    if (userId && (Meteor.user().emails[0].verified === true)) {
      Router.go('edit', {_id: currentPostId});
    } else {